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This is crazy for youre first game lol

Good job, very cool 😎

Thanks you buddy

A mouse sensitivity setting would be nice, as well as something to reduce the head bob effect. The game has extremely sensitive head movement for me and it makes it nigh impossible to move around reasonably. Couple that with the rather strong headbob and it's a bit of a disaster just trying to get around. The environments I've seen so far look really good though, and the concept is really exciting.


I will look into that and add this when I can. It seems that mouse sensitivity depend on your software (idk why) and some ppl has a great sensitivity and some doesn't.

I cannot express how good this game is even if there is a few bugs, for how good of a game it is I'm not complaining. This game is just so good and high quality it should be on xbox or other major consoles. Keep it up man you're on a roll


Btw it's my first game hehe

WHAT thats crazy you're even more cool than I thought

ahah YOU are cool, love ya

thanks lol

Uploading next update today (see the screenshots).


I really liked your game, even though I haven't played many backrooms games, I've seen most of them, this is definitely the best. I'm glad I got it for free, the game has a bright future. By the way, there are a few things I want to mention, if you look at 17:07, I had a bug, and I think there is a small optimization problem at level 10 (18:29) and other than that, if you want advice, you can look at these levels and you should definitely add the levels you like and think you can add to the game. I will play your game again when you add new levels, it's a great game

Level 6999 Level 73 Level 657 Level 11 Level 334 Level 911 Level 399 Level 999 Level 756 Station 154 Level 18 Level 906 Level 14


THANKS YOU. I'm doing level 389 then I will go for the levels you asked :)

I'm waiting bro

Just for you a little screenshot ;)

Looks amazing!!, can't wait to play itt


I'm uploading the update today


I like all the levels so scary

Ty, I added few levels.

yay, I'll take a look at it :)

added lvl 10 and ocean poolrooms

There is no end to the ocean poolrooms (will add one when there will be a new level)


For the moment there is no end to level pool rooms. There will be one when I will add the next level : what do you wan't y'all ?

Great game so far but me and my uncle are stuck on the parking lot level! Do you have any tips? We are crouching and hiding and he gets us every time and we have been trying for two hours 


You should crouch, go for a side, if he's stuck try your best to not get into his view angle, go up still crouching and he if is behind and far you can run to the end. I will modify this level today as it is still pretty hard...

(1 edit) (+1)

Or another way is that he is sometime coming where you spawn, so you go to a side, crouch, when he is far run to the top and it's done !


I am able to do it in 10 minutes hope you can too. But still gonna make it easier!

Here is the discord of the game if you want to make suggestions of levels, etc... :



Pool rooms! 

I'll play it and upload a video of it! Love the design!

Ty, will add more today

Ahh! Ok, ill wait for new updates and then download to record!

Ty, uploading the update in twenty minutes.



(1 edit) (-1)

The game is cool that I got it for free but I personally think that 11$ is way to much for this game (Awful price for what's there to do). If you are gonna make it a paid game even though I got it for free. Id also feel that you should make it so that you use sliding and wall jumping more (Add more scenario's where you want to use it to get ahead) and monsters that behave differently. Id also like for their to be parts of the game where its just cool to explore weird liminal places.

The game is free until it is finished, it will be paid when i consider the game is enough, i consider your review and will add more place where you need to use the parkour mechanics. Love ya


Great game. I really enjoy it and cant wait to play more levels (That level 5 got me lol)!! 

Here is my gameplay (Spanish). Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks you !


This Game is Amazing Must Try! 5/5

Thanks you ! Hope you will try the new level in the future !

It's Sure I will play new levels because it's so cool. :) 


The game looks so sick but it keep freezing on Level 1 (Parking lot Map) Hazard suit guy mission.

i5 13400f


Samsung 990 pro

RTX 3080Ti.

What's the issue? 

Deleted 29 days ago
Deleted 30 days ago

I just finished it on my pc without any problem (gtx 1060) you need to find the exit, have you got the 0.7.1 version of the game ?

Yes, I got the v0.7.1. The Game is working smooth but not sure why the game is freezing at the parking lot level. I tried 2 times it freeze out. I will check it again later if the game works I will post the video of the game. :) 

That's strange tell me if it worked

(1 edit)

I figure out the issue which was really strange. There are some spots if we got there the game freeze but I can listen the player heavy breather. Also, there is no ending I think. The hotel level is the last level of this game because there is a void we fall out of the map at the end of the hotel level say: (END FOR NOW)

Yep level hotel is the end for now, could you tell me where does it freeze ? I'm making poolrooms level (which is gonna be BIG), any idea for the next-next level ?

it sayed fatal error

Yep I know your error, that's you gpu I can't do anything sorry bud

I'm having trouble downloading. I claimed the get RTB for free, but when I went to download on my windows 11, there was an error saying "couldn't download- no permissions". Do you have any clue why this might happen?


Could you send me a screenshot?

Could you retry, I just tried it and it worked. Do you use a school computer (or your family computer ?) Could you try using firefox or edge ?

I'm using edge and I've been able to download files from itch many times. When I went to your cloudflare mirror through my downloads I got this message

Deleted 33 days ago

i juste downloaded it using another account, could you try downloading another itch io game see if it works ?


skibidi toilet game?😭


lol ain't no way


it's research for an essay I'm writing on whether skidibi toilet and the backrooms can be classified as art

I'm not joking

is there controller support?

(1 edit)

Not fot the moment, would you like to ?

yes pls it would be fun

I'm not great at mnk so controller support would be wonderful. 


will i be able to play? because my laptop trash GPU

tell me exactly what is the diplayed error



i gotta say i like the game from the screenshots didnt play it yet but seems cool

(2 edits)

ok i will wait take your time

i cant play cause i need to download somthing to run it


What do you mean ? The game need to be downloaded yes

it sys i need to dawnload microsoft visual c plus plus

(1 edit)

(GPU)AMD vega 3 or make a download of RTB(Running Through Backrooms) for lower-end GPUs?and when the game becomes paid again will i still have to pay

Hmm I will try to fix it buddy, Vega 3 is a Integrated GPU so that may be why. For the moment the game will be free no problem;)

i`m gonna be honest - i havent played the game yet. I will give it 5 star rating though, just because its a free game, that is usually paid for

Thanks you !!!

why when i play game it says fatal error

That's because you don't have a GPU good enough, what are your specs?

Deleted 37 days ago
(1 edit)

is this game free

Yep for the moment

Wow first of all great game! This is a really immersive game, I am really into the backrooms and this game just makes it all come to life. Good job keep making great games.

Hello, thanks you, have you got an idea for the next level ?

(1 edit) (+1)

No Problem, I would love it if you added level 5: Terror hotel you can see more about it here,

thanks for asking!


Hello, I just added it :)

Wow Cool! Nice Work! Keep working hard!

(1 edit)

put down a post process volume, increase the final gather and view distance. the fuzz from lumen is crazy. also dude for gods sake make the carpet a world aligned texture or get another, it looks bad.

The carpet is a world aligned texture?

Could you send me a screenshot of your carpet on your game ?

(1 edit)

Yes, tomorrow morning I certainly will. If it is a world aligned texture I think it just might not be a very good one??? It looks kinda over saturated and like you colored it through burn which made it quite weird looking, if I was to fix the problem I'd desaturate it and use a 2 variable node to make it at least smaller.

Thanks you very much for all your Unreal Engine tips : it is my first project that's why it's not perfect but I will update it as much as I can.

(1 edit) (+3)

el juego me gusto , la jugabilidad es buena  y los graficos son bastante altos y muy bien optimisados , pero como es un juego que aun no esta terminado tiene algunos fallos pero si se solucionan (nose como pasar el nivel 1) y agregan alguna linterna (o nose si es que la hay y no pude usarla) , pero esta bueno


thank you,I may do the light. Can you make a review ?

(1 edit) (+1)

Very realistic and interesting perspective.

I was able to hide in the steel plates of the wall of the underground parking garage on level 1.Is this bug?

Could you send me a screenshot ?

If react too close, will die.


Thanks you, fixed it.

(2 edits)

me gusta el juego pero en el nivel 0: si te vas las esquinas de donde esta la tele mientras te persigue el bicho , se buguea y se queda estatico, dejandote irte si que te persiga nada. (bug creo)

Hello, I'm gonna fix it,thanks you

could you please consider making a review ?

⚠ for anyone getting the game for free, PLEASE make a review of the game

just added level 3, next is level 4...

added end of level 3 and teleport to level 4 (which is WIP)

UPLOADING LEVEL4 UPDATE (see last screenshot)



The shadow bug is now done but the graphics below high may not render as good (because of unreal engine 5).

I will add a torch 🔦 to fix it definitely.

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